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Phoenix In Force At BOMA


Phoenix's office of Lincoln Property Group got honored this week at the national BOMA's 2014 Every Building Conference and Expo in Orlando when the Arizona Game and Fish Building in Phoenix picked up a TOBY award for best government building. (You don't need a permit to go and enjoy that building.)


Take note of these smiling faces—you'll probably see a lot of ABM Phoenix's Toni Covington and BOMA/Phoenix's Mark Covington in January and February. The city is hosting BOMA's Winter Business Meeting, the Pro Bowl, the Super Bowl, and the Phoenix Open all in the matter of weeks. (If you ever wanted to photobomb a TV camera, there will never be a better chance.) Real estate is booming, too; Mark says there's a lot of major medical being built Downtown, and Tempe Lake is getting lots of condos and office. Even satellite areas like Mesa, Chandler, and Gilbert have big projects in the ground. 


Congrats to Diversified Property Management's Susan Engstrom from Phoenix and KTR Capital Partners' Dave McFarland from Philly, the big winners of the much-anticipated BOMAPAC raffle, which raised over $8,200 for the org's political action committee. Above, Susan (second from left) is with CBRE's Mary Lantz, president of BOMA/Orlando; Cassidy Turley's Terri Walther; and BOMA's Lisa Prats. Susan won a Coach bag, wallet, and Brighton accessories (unintentionally matching her prize winnings), while Dave walked away with a GoPro camera and accessories.