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ASAE's Tech Conference Lessons


ASAE’s Technology Conference and Expo at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center last week was one of its best attended. The two-day event drew nearly 1,300 attendees and had five focus areas, including leadership and strategy, disruptors and marketing communications and technology. 

One of the takeaways: Associations that are revamping their online content need a clear strategy first, reports AssociationsNOW. That may mean not only creating a more functional website but also ensuring the site is dynamic and up-to-date for the long haul. 


ASAE CIO Reggie Henry (above) had lots to share about tech trends. Another lesson was to make sure to look at the website from the perspective of the user. Consider how internal triggers can get people to act. Social media is a good example of how that works; people don't need to be reminded anymore to share their photos on sites like Facebook. Internal triggers kick in and people do it automatically. 

The conference also urged attendees to embrace big data. The amount of data we process every day presents a significant opportunity to push the limits of creativity and use data to solve problems. [AN]

Related Topics: ASAE, Reggie Henry