Crew Bash

LAST NIGHT'S CREW BASH — in pictures![Note to BlackBerrians: if you can't download the pix, hey, check in at your desk sometime!]The City Museum was the place to be last nite for CREW's annual awards bash. Club prexy Elaine Gray of Cassidy & Pinkard and Kathy Allgeier of Jones Lang, her successor-to-be, pulled in the A List to recognize top achieving women in the field, including Diane Hoskins ofGensler (overall impact), Sally Wilson of CBRE(promoting sustainability), Dawn Marcus of Hines ("esprit de corps"), and Melissa Burneston of Davis Construction (public service).
But pictures (and silly captions) tell more of the story, so allow us:
We've been accused of spreading rumors in our publication, but why would we do that? Anyway, above,CRESA Partners head Rick Rome, left, with SVP Sandy Weiss, are congratulated by local Cushman & Wakefieldhead Jim Underhill for CRESA's impending purchase of Cushman, which observers expect CRESA will flip next week to Trammell Crow.
Doublemint Commercial? Supposedly one of the women in this picture is the mother of the other two, but that's a rumor we can clearly see is false. These are, we believe, the three Rabbitt sisters: Lauren, Linda, and Ashleigh.
Family Affair. You might have thought it was "Bring Your Daughter" night, but actually, it was "Bring Your Dad" night.Meghan Davis of JM Zell Partners is the real mover and shaker here, but her dad, Jim Davis, pleaded with her to take him so he wouldn't have to cook TV dinners again.
Party Gals. Do blondes have more fun — or just make more money? Two superstars of the brokerage scene,Lois Zambo, right, of Studley, and Sherry Cushman ofCBRE. (By the way, how does someone with that name end up working there?)
Crowd Favorites. You've heard of Blue States/Red States. We think the DC real estate community divides into Blue Shirts/White Shirts. Modeling the latest fashions areBoston Properties kingpin Ray Ritchey, left, and CBREhead honcho John Germano.
Guarding Diane. Victor Hoskins, second from left, heard that Trammell Crow's Art Santry, right, had not long ago been the lone male server at one of those Wine Downparties that wife Diane Hoskins attends, so he insisted on coming to the CREW event to chaperone her. On left, celebrating his third day on the job, is Trammell's Chris Soucie, a former Army major who steeled for his new career in brokerage by serving six months in Afghanistan, and also offered to protect Diane.
Rorschach Test. This is the only picture not from the CREW party last night. I had to duck out to another event, the PNC Board of Directors hosting various notables. Others may think they are, from left, Nationals president Stan Kasten, GW president Steve Trachtenberg, former OPM head Kay Coles James, and new Board of Trade president Jim Dinegar. But you real estate mavens, I suspect, see them differently: the guy who stopped Herb Miller's towers; Mr. Square 54; someone who might know the head of GSA; and the guy who supported Linda Cropp. (C'mon, we're just kidding!)