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Pentagon Row's New Look

Washington, D.C.
Pentagon Row's New Look


The plaza at Federal Realty's Pentagon Row is getting a facelift. Yesterday, the Rockville-based REIT started work on a major renovation, to include a bigger ice rink, spruced up outdoor dining areas, and even more retail space, according to Mid-Atlantic COO Robin McBride. Federal Realty's been looking at renovating the space since last year, Robin says, since the property "was beginning to show its age." She adds it saw an opportunity to differentiate the plaza and make it more vibrant.

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A rendering of the new digs. (Painting the buildings white will be handled by Tom Sawyer Development.) As for the new retail, Robin says restaurants are ideal but doesn't rule out other options. Federal Realty will phase out the construction and hopes to have things wrapped up in time for the grand opening of the ice rink this fall.