Shock, Sorrow, and Love
The commercial real estate community has been reeling from news that it lost one of its own, Marie Gemmell, who suffered the unspeakable yesterday as a small plane crashed into her Gaithersburg home, killing her and two of her children, ages 3 years and 7 weeks.

Marie was on maternity leave from First Potomac Realty Trust, where she had worked since March 2013 as the construction and development team's administrative assistant. Previously she had been with DAVIS Construction for over 10 years as a project administrator.

We spoke a few moments ago with First Potomac CEO Doug Donatelli who said everyone at the company is beyond devastated by the loss of this "terrific young woman" and her two young children. VP John Sadlik, middle, behind Marie, says the team will always remember "her infectious smile." DAVIS Construction CEO Jim Davis said Marie will be remembered for her generosity of spirit, love of her family, and dedication to her team. "We have lost a treasured friend."

We ran this picture of her on June 6 of this year, the day after she had participated with her colleagues at the annual JDRF Real Estate Games at AU. We are all heartbroken and thank Marie for giving those who knew her wonderful memories that will live on. A fundraising vehicle for her husband and remaining daughter has been set up by others here, and Bisnow Media will be proudly contributing to it. We all keep thinking: It could have happened to anyone. Our hearts go out to her family and friends.