Today at the Economic Club

It's a wonder anyone in this town eats lunch, what with our always coming up with our camera, and their being so courteous as to immediately stand for a picture. Moments ago, we snapped Comcast CEO Brian Roberts, right, keynote at an Economic Club of Washington luncheon, with CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer, Carlyle co-founder David Rubenstein, and Washington Post publisher Katharine Weymouth. We could tell you Brian's storiesabout how the company his dad founded 50 years ago this year that started with 13,000 cable subscribers in Mississippi has grown to a $60 billion juggernaut that just two days ago closed on the last of its $30 billion purchase of NBC, or what he thinks about the Olympics franchise or the future of Jay Leno. But the thing we think you will most want to know about is a new product he unveiled that will soon hit the DC market: a TV remote you don't have to point at the cable box to work.