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BID President Anticipates Georgetown Aerial Gondola Study in 2015

Georgetown Business Improvement District is patiently awaiting funding for a formal feasibility study of an aerial gondola that will connect Georgetown and Rosslyn, reports UrbanTurf. BID CEO Joe Sternlieb says the BID has submitted requests for funding and participation from Arlington County and the DC government, but he expects it will take a while, with government transitions and other important issues pushing it back on the priority list. Nonetheless, he expressed optimism that they’ll be able to start the study this year. The aerial gondola is one of 75 items outlined in the Georgetown 2028 project of plans the neighborhood would like to implement in the next 15 years. The ambitious plan would not only face typical engineering challenges, but will also need feedback from the FAA, because helicopters fly along the river frequently. As of November, private donors had already contributed 65% of funding for the study. [UrbanTurf]