On April 30, a preliminary plan and site plan for a three-building project called Gables White Flint will go before the planning board for approval. The project, which is set to cover two surface parking lots and a portion of Executive Boulevard, could provide more parking for the planned expansion of Wall Park, but will require the realignment of Executive Boulevard, so even if the board OKs it, construction will have to wait for the county to finish its new street grid, BethesdaNow reports. The Gables will involve three buildings of 70 feet or less and 31k SF of commercial space. Phase 1 will include a parking garage to replace the spots from a surface parking lot the county will lose when it builds the new Wall Park. Phase 2 will be a 182-unit centrally located residential building with 3k SF of ground-floor retail, Phase 3 is a 195-unit eastern building with 28k SF of commercial space, and Phase 4 will be a 99-unit western building. The development will also have public space features, such as seat walls, water walls, and a video projection screen on the underside of one building. [BethNow]