Lerners, Abramsons Expand in Dulles
Yesterday, the Tower Cos (and brothers/principals Jeffrey, Gary, and Ronald Abramson) and Lerner Enterprises (and patriarch Ted Lerner) announced the firms will expand the Residence Inn Dulles. The companies (and families)—partners in many projects including Washington Square and 2000 Tower Oaks Blvd—are adding four more floors and about 28 new guest suites to the property, which sits just down the road from Dulles Airport. Construction should start in the second quarter, the firms say. (To anyone whose claim to fame is having stayed in every guest suite at the Residence Inn Dulles, time to start booking more rooms.) Lerner's Art Fuccillo tells us the firms began exploring an expansion about three years ago, "to accommodate the unmet needs of those seeking Class-A accommodations and amenities."