Publisher's Travelogue
Those of you who saw hotel icon Bill Marriott at our October hotel summit recall he talked about redesigning hotels for Millennial tastes. We stayed in one such effort this week: the new full-service, 384-key Marriott in Bellevue, Washington. It was like an Ace or Nomad hotel except not some converted, small, brick and timber warehouse, but a ground-up 17-floor giant. Here, some pictorial highlights:
The exterior sported an industrial look.
No carpeting in rooms—only the natural wood look. (Perhaps technically vinyl plank.)
Desks are on wheels and entirely movable; closets (in the background) are open.
Wastebaskets are divided for recycling.
Much of the lobby is given to benching—in the evening you come down with your laptop and hang. And either take in the electronic sensations offered or put on your earbuds for your own entertainment bubble.
With sockets everywhere, of course. (We say that with gratitude.)