Photo taken: On family vacation in Paris.
Title: Partner, JBG.
Company: Private equity investment and development. Current portfolio is 12M SF office, 2M SF retail, 7,300 multifamily units, 5,000 hotel rooms.
Most memorable project: Financing Waterview in Rosslyn, mixed use (hotel, condominiums and office).
Hometown: Baltimore.
Age: 52.
School: Frostburg State.
First job: Babysitter.
Job you'd like to have in another life: Landscape designer.
Person (living or dead) you'd like to meet: Hillary Clinton.
Greatest fear: Violent movies.
A daily habit: Looking out at trees first thing in the morning.
Favorite music group: Young Leslie: Aerosmith; Older Leslie: Mumford & Sons.
Favorite book: The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck.
Favorite movie: The Bucket List (2007).
Favorite restaurant: Bramble & Brine, Rehoboth Beach.
One item on your bucket list: Safari.
Family facts: Husband, 2 daughters (19 and 24), and 3-legged dog.
Hobbies: Scrapbooking, reading, and gardening.
Startling fact: During summer of 1980, worked in San Jose, Calif., assembling computer boxes in a factory. “Turns out I was in Silicon Valley at the very beginning of the technology boom and didn’t even know it!”