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These Are the Top Amenities DC Renters Want


A national survey has helped shed light on the information all landlords want to know: what amenities do renters covet most? The top answer in DC: a dishwasher. No new buildings in DC are in danger of disappointing residents there. According to RadPad, which conducted the survey, DC's No. 2 most-wanted amenity is a pool, and renters want it here more than anywhere else. 43% of respondents say they want a pool in DC, compared to 36% in Chicago and 18% nationally. As for the craze of new multifamily buildings without dedicated parking? They have a smaller pool to cater to: parking is the third most desired amenity in the District, and No. 1 nationally. No. 4 most-wanted in the District: a garage. While many residents are eschewing cars altogether, they clearly are still a prominent issue in the minds of plenty of DC renters. [RadPad]

Related Topics: Survey, amenities