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New Group Aims To Fight Urbanization Of Bethesda


Downtown Bethesda will likely see continued development and a population spike as part of Montgomery County's new master plan for the area, but a group of residents are not too pleased with the plans and are taking steps to make sure their voices are heard.

Pat Burda, former mayor of Chevy Chase, has unveiled plans to form the Coalition of Bethesda Area Residents, Greater Greater Washington reports. Organizers are opposed to the increased density that the plans will bring with an eye towards the expected increase in housing.

Earlier this month, the CBAR submitted a report to the town council that outlined the group’s initiatives. Among its primary concerns is the importance of retaining the area’s predominant concept of single-family homes and owners, with mixed-use development welcomed if it serves the needs of residents.

The demand for urban living continues to grow so we’ll have to wait and see if CBAR gains any traction in its opposition efforts. Back in October, the Montgomery County Planning Board released images that show the scope of potential development near the Bethesda Metro Station on Wisconsin Avenue. For just that section alone, a sector plan has been proposed that would allow for two 290-foot buildings[GGW]