DC's Real Estate Women on the Roof
DC's women's real estate organizations took it to the top last night—the rooftop, to be exact. Outside at Lost Society at 14th and U, we snapped the Women in Retail Real Estate gang celebrating its annual fall networking reception. WIRRE prez Shawna Jones of the Jones Group (seated, middle) tells us 2014 marks the 27th year for the org, a group of owners, brokers, lawyers, property managers, and others in the retail biz locally, and says they're already starting to gear up for a big 30th anniversary celebration.
Across town on the rooftop of 1401 Eye St, CREW DC held a cocktail reception with Susan Hill, immediate past president of the national CREW Network. (She's snapped here with 2014 CREW DC prez Jennifer Bognet.) The national CREW convention gets going in Miami in 10 days, and Susan announced that Hillary Rodham Clinton will keynote the event. (Wonder if she'll have anything to announce.)