Spotted in the Crowd

We found part of the 30-person Houston contingent: Transwestern VP of property management (and BOMA/Houston prez) Brett Williams, BOMA/Houston EVP Tammy Betancourt, Jacobs Engineering principal Scott Jones (he’s in San Francisco these days but is a former Texan), and Transwestern general manager Joseph Hebert. Brett says he has loved talking to people from around the country throughout the conference—the Houston CRE market is growing at a record pace, and he wants to spread that word.

We also snapped Behringer Harvard's Steve Sauriol and Marsha Sauriol out of Atlanta. Tenants are demanding the latest and greatest in energy efficiency, Steve says, so the engineer was scoping out the expo floor. Among his company's holdings in Atlanta is the 646k SF, 2010 TOBY regional winner Paces West, two interconnected office buildings that house healthcare and information tenants.