How The Biggest Players In Mid-Atlantic Retail Spent Their St. Patrick's Day
On Thursday night, well over 600 people—mostly in town for the ICSC Mid-Atlantic Dealmaking event—stopped by Wolfgang Puck's Sunset Room at National Harbor to join Bisnow and Peterson Cos for the Ultimate Retail Extravaganza.

We snapped MRP Realty VP Michael Skena, Stanford Properties chairman Andrew Brown, and the host of the evening, Peterson Cos principal Jon Peterson. We chatted briefly with Jon about the event, hosted with terrific weather in a stunning setting, especially compared with last year when it snowed (thank goodness for no more of that). Jon and his team are spending the weekend lining up partners for their host of big developments in the pipeline, including the MGM National Harbor resort, delivering this year.

There were drinks, there was merriment, and there was a very personable, hirsute sword swallower delighting us all night long.

We also caught up with Dochter & Alexander co-founders Matt Alexander, on the left, and Dave Dochter, second from right. We snapped them taking in the great view of the Capital Wheel on the harbor, with Pulse Retail's Josh Miller, Edens' Leigh Knopf and The Tower Cos' Chuck Wallach, on the right.

The crowds were well-fed with passed mini-cheeseburgers, spring rolls, mini-Reuben sandwiches and tuna tartare, as well as fish and chips and delicious salads positioned throughout.

But the name of the night (other than tossing back Guinness and Jameson in honor of St. Patty's Day) was networking. We snapped Tyler Bradford and Caroline Keeney-Barnes from Books-a-Million along with Ray Schupp of H&R Retail.

The party went for three hours, and was capped off by chocolate cupcakes and apple tart meringues. Snapped: Emily Gagliardi of Federal Realty Investment Trust, Jennifer Price of KLNB, Kristen Braun of Vornado, Stu Biel of Federal Realty and Kim Stein of KLNB. For more photos, see Friday's Scene. For our full album from the event, check out the Bisnow DC Facebook page.