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Silicon Valley's Homeless

Washington, D.C. Tech
Silicon Valley's Homeless

Sil Valley-homelessDaniel Garcia once worked at one of Google's restaurants, but now he's one of many homeless people in Silicon Valley. A recent news segment by journalist Bill Moyers shows the other side of Silicon Valley's wealth where a huge divide between the rich and poor is forming. Working Partnership USA executive director Cindy Chavez says in the story there's a belief that Silicon Valley is paved with gold,but really it's a tale of two cities as tent communities form in the shadow of Google and Facebook. She describes a family of two adults and three children who became homeless after a parent lost their manufacturing job. Cindy says she worries that Silicon Valley's problem may be becoming a national problem of "two Americas."Do you see divides like this where you live? Tell Bisnow's Tania Anderson.

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