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Girl Power Crashes Wi-Fi at Hail to the V


What happens when too many chicks are tweeting at a buzzed about event? The Wi-Fi crashes, and it's pure magic. Unable to use their smartphones, the crowd devotes 100% of their attention to the speakers and they even laugh and clap at opportune times. That’s what happened at Industree’s recent Hail to the V at E Street Cinema. Free from distraction, attendees fully engaged in panel discussions about women in the hospitality industry, and the roadblocks and advantages they experience. The event was moderated by the ever-energetic Carla Hall, whose title for the evening was “Femme-C.”


Boss Ladies,” was the most dynamic panel and featured chef/owners Jamie Leeds, Hanks Oyster Bar; Ruth Gresser, Pizzeria Paradiso; and Ris Lacoste, Ris, in addition to executive chefs Jennifer Nguyen of Zentan and Shannon Overmiller of The Majestic. When asked about the scarce number of female chefs in the city, Shannon (pictured) shared “It’s just a thing. Kind of like how we haven’t had a female president yet, it’s only a matter of time.” Ruth enlightened the audience by explaining that women are superior at creating team environments within a restaurant. “I am most proud of the community I’ve created at Pizza Paradiso. It’s a great place to work and it wouldn’t be that way if I wasn’t a woman.”