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The Rise and Fall of the Taco Industry


This is Bob and he presently is searching the web for the nearest taco dealer in his town.


After placing his online order, Bob waits by this window all day long for his tacos to arrive from Mr. Taco's Taco Stand in the next state over.


With taco in one hand and a Wii controller in the other, Bob connects with all his taco eating friends around the world to collaborate on "the next best way" to eat tacos.


Bobs parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob, whole heartedly approve of Bob's unrelenting taco addiction.


Mr. Taco of Mr. Taco's Taco Stand from the next state over delivered a jaw-smacking speech on the nutritional benefits of eating nothing but tacos for a whole year. Such inspiration, such motivation, such proclamation, I just drenched my taco in tears.


There were refreshments after Mr. Taco's speech. We ran into two protestors that evening, Barry and To. After a brief interview with them, their closing remarks were, "if there is one thing we learned from this conference, it's this: the taco is a lie!"

There you have it folks, The Rise and Fall of the Taco Industry. You saw it here first!

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