Chip Glasgow, Holland & Knight

Chip heads the firm's DC and NoVA land use group, representing real estate developers and public and private institutions, particularly in complex issues involving zoning, building code and historical preservation. He's working on projects in all eight Wards now, for clients like Carr Properties, Douglas Development, PN Hoffman, Folger Shakespeare Theatre, Arena Stage and StonebridgeCarras. Deals past and present include the 3M SF Wharf, 2.5M SF Constitution Square, redevelopment of the Warner Building, and rezoning Woodies from department store to retail and office use. Chip grew up in Hyattsville and attended Georgetown University and Law School; he spent 25 years at Wilkes Artis (where his late father, Norman Glasgow, was president), and joined H&K in 2001. He's married to Joan Glasgow, with three grown children, and outside the office enjoys hiking nearby around Great Falls and Sugarloaf, or further afield in places like Glacier National Park, above.