Ice Bucket Challenges Spread to Law Firms
It's for a good cause, and it makes for good television. The ALS ice bucket challenge has made it to DC's law firms.

On behalf of Venable patent law partner Michael Gollin, who was diagnosed with ALS more than a year ago, Venable took on the challenge on its rooftop terrace. It rounded up 40 participants to stand beneath the chilly water in front of a cheering crowd of 100. The firm raised $2,000 on the spot and donations are still coming in. Michael followed it up with an ice bucket challenge of his own.

Venable litigation partner Damon Wright was emcee and event organizer (with David Mattingly and David Koniecko)—and the first to get soaked. Partners Steve Schwarz and David Adams were next in line, followed not long by Diz Locaria and Ron Jacobs. (Then, of course, about 35 others.) Venable's encouraging other Penn Quarter firms to get involved to raise money and awareness for ALS.

Bisnow's own publisher, Mark Bisnow, took the ice bucket challenge on our building's front steps. Here's the proof. He challenged Carlyle Group's David Rubenstein, Ted Leonsis, and WaPo publisher Katharine Weymouth. We heard from David immediately that he's already been proud to join with Mike Bloomberg and (Bloomberg CEO) Dan Doctoroff to give $25M to ALS, so we say, thank you, David, for your astounding generosity, and you are hereby off the hook. As of today, the ALS Association says it's received donations of $31.5M since July 29, compared to $1.9M in the same three-week period last year. Let's keep it going.