Law firms took over DC this weekend at the Lawyers Have Heart 10K. (But not just law firms: Bisnow was there too!) The event raises funds for the American Heart Association. Squire Patton Boggs brought in 40 lawyers, staff, friends, and family (and one cute puppy) for one of the first events for the new, combined firm.
The Wiley Rein Road Runners team had 46 folks—a high for the firm—whose shirts get into the spirit with the tagline "Right in the Heart of DC." Here's part of the group in front of partner Charlie Lemley's boat: Nathan Dickerson, Tim Brightbill, Tyler Brown, Tom Antonucci, Brian Pandya, Kate Dickerson, David Kulik, Craig Smith, Leland Jones, and at center Eric Wang and Ted Howard.
McDermott's fit firm had more than 60 participants. Here's employee benefits head David Rogers and DC IP head Michael Fogarty with Michael's son Kevin.
Jones Day's crowd gathered in Georgetown: (standing) Jonathan Knight, Matthew Bowles, Stefan Hasselblad, Patrick Browne, Gabrielle Pritsker, Steven Couper, Theresa Coughlin, Michael Fletcher, Hilary Perkins, David Torborg, Graham Keithley, Lori Hellkamp, Andrew Ness, Christopher Edelman, John Brunsdale, (kneeling) Alena Thomas, Jolie Blanchard, Shaleen Brunsdale, and Gabriela Gross Guinan.
The Lawyers Have Heart mascot was honored to be in a shot with Kelley Drye's Nancy Hamilton.
The "Crowell & Moring Ducks" were one of the sportiest firms by headcount, bringing together 61 team members, including seven partners, eight counsel, 11 associates, two summers, 23 staff members, and friends and family.
Cooley's crew is stepping it up... (With Valerie Beverly, Stephanie Alexander, David Wittenstein, Jeremy Binstock, Calvin Hom, Peter Crain, Aaron Binstock, Shane Rumbaugh, Jane van Benten, Brendan Koeth, Kevin Ghaffarkhan, Ben Wales, and Chuck Charpentier.)
... as is the group from Dentons.
Steptoe vice chair Phil Malet (fourth from left), joined a group of 36 runners. If, unlike Phil, you didn't participate this year, take heart—look out for next year's 25th anniversary event.