Soiree in Dupont

Neither snow heaps nor melted puddles could deter ardent supporters of the Williams Institute. Event co-hosts Floyd Mills, director of diversity for Baker McKenzie, and Tom Mounteer, an environmental law partner at Paul Hastings, are flanked by Atlantic Magazine’s Washington editor-at-large Steve Clemons and Shakespeare Theater artistic director Michael Kahn. Front and center is Latham & Watkins’ Ann Claassen. The gathering at Tom's Dupont digs was the kickoff for the UCLA Law School-based LGBT think tank’s Spring Reception to be held on May 21. Steve was glad to dress a little more casually than he had recently for the State dinner for French President Hollande. Michael was taking a break from directing actor Stacy Keach in Henry IV, Parts 1 and 2.

Also showing their love: White & Case litigator Jaime Crowe, Williams Institute development manager Hamid Jahangard, Akin Gump energy regulatory and commercial partner Chip Cannon, Skadden M&A and securities partner Brian Breheny, and former DC Attorney General now a partner at Schertler & Onorato, Bob Spagnoletti.

Many guests doffed their galoshes upon arrival, which prompted a “best socks” contest. Immigration attorney Allen Orr tried to impress the judges by striking a pose across the back of the sofa. But the winner--feet down--was Scott Cooper, sporting the bright green-striped socks. Scott came with his boyfriend, Latham's Jonathan Homer. Here’s hoping the guests at the May 21 Spring Reception won’t need to be wearing galoshes.