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Up On King & Spalding's Roof

Up On King & Spalding's Roof

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This morning, we saw Rep. Mike McCaul, chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security,speak at the National Press Club for the Republican National Lawyers Association policy conference. But this is from yesterday evening, when he was with former Maryland Governor Bob Ehrlich on King & Spalding's rooftop for an RNLA reception (Bob's now a senior counsel at the firm). As Homeland Security chairman, Mike says some top priorities were Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, cybersecurity, and border security. But the Boston bombings have shifted that focus. "We will be conducting congressional hearings very shortly on this issue."

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Wiley Rein's Dick Wiley, flanked by Wiley Rein IP partner Brian Pandya, and Tim Houseal. Dick's introducing Senator Fred Thompson at today's conference. He tells us he's known Fred since before he was in Congress, when he was starting as an AUSA and working for Senator Howard Baker. They're also connected because both are TV stars: Dick's won an Emmy for helping develop standards for HDTV, and Fred played Manhattan DA Arthur Branch on Law & Order.

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Former White House Counsel and US Ambassador to the EU C. Boyden Gray, right, with former assistant AG Harvey Tettlebaum. The law firm's view from the roof at 1700 Penn Ave overlooks the White House and Washington Monument.

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