Sotomayor, Ginsburg and Kagan Honor O'Connor

Every female justice who's served on the Supreme Court gathered recently at the National Museum of Women in the Arts. The three current justices were honoring Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, who served on the Court for more than 24 years. The inaugural Seneca Women Global Leadership Forum recognized O'Connor for her civic education advocacy and pioneering work as a female judge and justice.

After retiring from the Court in 2006, O'Connor created iCivics, a nonprofit with 21 digital games that have been played by more than 7 million students. She also inspired the founding of Cornell Law School's Avon Global Center for Women & Justice. More than 300 people attended the event. Pictured here: Justices Elena Kagan and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Ambassador Melanne Verveer, Justice Sonia Sotomayor, and Kim Azzarelli, co-founder of the global women's leadership forum Seneca Women and chair of Cornell Law School’s Avon Global Center for Women and Justice.