Beat the Deadline 5K!

We headed to the National Press Club Saturday for its annual Beat the Deadline 5K race. Reporters and media professionals ran to raise money for journalism scholarships. We snapped team US News and World Report’s Susannah Snider, Colin Aylesworth, Kristine Crane, Allison Gualtieri, Liz Opsitnik, Erin Shields, and Carter MacLeod. The team slogan: We rank ourselves No. 1.

Team Finn Partners’ Scott Bryan, his wife Tracey Bryan, Hadley Dreibelbis, Jasmine Nesi, Francesca Ernst, Jim Luetkemeyer, Jessie Reape, and Booz Allen Hamilton’s Martin Reape celebrates finishing. This year raised over $50k.

Congrats to ATAE’s Jennifer Colman, Scene reporter and CRAFT DC's Travis Holler, and Abraham LLC’s Stephanie Abraham at the finish line. The three have enjoyed the race as an annual tradition (despite Saturday's heat wave), with Jennifer placing in the top of her age group for two years in a row.

Team CNN celebrates being the largest press team for the second consecutive year. Following the race, guests were treated to a breakfast buffet in the Press Club, with an awards ceremony and raffle.