Great Pink Pumpkin!

We went to The Great Pink Pumpkin Fights Breast Cancer at Midtown Partyplex. It was hosted by We Will Survive Cancer; we snapped its rep Kimberly Warfield flanked by Leadership Partners’ Richard Wilde and Maas and Assoc’ Jim Maas.

The party was in honor of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. There were prizes for best male and female costume and best Great Pink Pumpkin costume, and raffles for wine, salons, restaurants, and VIP tables at Dirty Bar and Midtown. The collection from Keula Binelly was featured in a fashion show; she's with Eller Group’s and We Will Survive Cancer's Michael Lilly, and Gayela Bynum.

There were Pink Promise hair extensions by Zoe Salon, with donations going to WWSC; here, the salon’s Andrew Tkach and Nora Battey with attorney Tom Willcox.

We Will Survive Cancer is a nonprofit providing support to families affected by cancer who lack the resources to address their needs, such as child care, family counseling, household finances, and transportation to visit the patient. Here, one of the fashion show models, Hilke Eyler.