We've been watching the Olympics non-stop, so we love that former Olympic gold medalist Esther Lofgren (who also completed the 2013 Marine Corps Marathon with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Team in Training in honor of her cousin Byron, now in remission from lymphoma) came to a breakfast for participants in the Nike Women’s Half Marathon. Its TNT participants raised $1.8M last year; there’s still time to join the team for this amazing event here. She’s with LLS exec director Beth Gorman.

Team Hope, created in honor of Beth Ellis’ dad who’s battling MDS, has 38 members and a fundraising goal of $100k. Here, Theresa Cizmar, Susan Haning, Karen Brooks, and Missy Garcia-Smith.
Mary Kate Rasa, Travis Holler, and Alfredo Flores contributed to this issue.