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Operation Backpack!


Last night we also went to the Operation Backpack fundraiser at MOI. We snapped (middle) Page’s Michelle Ho, Elizabeth Hall, Priyadharsini Shivalingarajalingam, Greg Savage, and Hunter Coleman, and (back) MOI’s David Noel. Kendall Lee (front) is holding one of the winning backpacks designed by Page; the architects designed them and the kids picked winners.


MOI, HON, Gunlocke, and FilzFelt partnered with Volunteers of America, which gives underprivileged kids school supplies and educational help. Here, ASD’s Christine Peters and Toni Lem flank HBF/Gunlocke’s Michael Polovina.


MOI hosted a design competition among the area’s leading A&D firms. Here, MOI’s Susan Lee, BBGM’s Yelda Saricetin, and HON’s Jacey Johnson.


Operation Backpack supports 2,000 kids year-round to ensure they excel in class, with tutors, after-school activities, enrichment trips, and updated technology. Here, BBGM’s Alfred Gooden III, Laura Hiribarren, and Cara Paglia with the backpack they designed.