Last night we went to the Chinese Embassy for the Points of Light tribute awards gala.
We snapped great officials from the Carter, Reagan, Bush 41 & 43, and Clinton eras: FBI and CIA Director William Webster, National Security Advisor and Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient Brent Scowcroft, White House Counsel and Ambassador to the EU Boydon Gray, and White House Chief of Staff Mack McLarty, all surrounding The Webster Group’s Lynda Webster.
We enjoyed a cocktail reception, dinner, auction, and unique entertainment, such as this dragon dance and accompanying ethnic music. Here, Melissa Kiel, Lucie Wall, Pam Norley, and Charlie Wall.
The Points of Light Foundation is the largest in the world dedicated to volunteer service. The international nonprofit, nonpartisan organization was established in 1990 to follow up on President George H.W. Bush’s call in his inaugural address for voluntary service to solve serious social issues; now over 4 million serve annually in 30 countries. Here, The Palm’s Jim Longo, Joyce Trybus, her husband, clothing company president Gary Trybus, The Palm’s Angelica Sbai, and Nordstrom’s Sid Sbai.
Honorary co-chair Yue-Sai Kan, called the Oprah of China for her accomplishments as a Chinese-American Emmy-winning TV host, here with Mike Wang.