The Grand Budapest Hotel!

Last night we also went to the Motion Picture Association of America for a reception, Q&A, and screening of The Grand Budapest Hotel, which opens in NYC and LA Friday. We snapped the film's music supervisor Randall Poster; this is the eighth film he's done with producer Wes Anderson. He's bookended by MPAA's Anna Soellner and 21st Century Fox's Rick Lane.

Guests dined on crab cakes, pork chops, and beef tenderloin while enjoying piano music and film conversation. Here, documentary filmmaker Dan Cohen, who directed An Article of Hope with exec producer Tom Hanks, is flanked by West Film Festival prez Brad Russell and 21st Century Fox's Jocelyn Coffey.

We all grabbed freshly made popcorn and water on our way into the screening. Here, MPAA's Kelley O'Connell, District Strategies' Ryan McGinness, and NBC Universal's Phil Tahtakran.

Caio Peixoto and his girlfriend Allied Integrated Marketing's Emilia Stefanczyk.