The weekend was a blur of parties tied to the White House Correspondents Dinner. Here are some of the best.

Rachel Maddow was a hugely popular guest bartender at the MSNBC After Party held until the wee hours at the Italian Embassy. She was also the subject of Conan OBriens joke at the dinner that got the biggest laugh, on the relationship ofSpeaker Boehner and President Obama: Its kinda like a blind date between Anderson Cooper and Rachel Maddow. In theory, they understand each others positions, but deep down, you know nothings ever going to happen.

Actress Sharon Stone always dazzles. Another great Conan joke: Someone accidentally sat Governor Chris Christie with the Republicans. That was awkward.

Modern Family's Eric Stonestreet, Huffington Post's Abby Huntsman and MSNBC's Toure. President Obamas best dinner joke: Sheldon Adelson spent $100 million of his own money on negative ads. Hed have been better off offering me $100 million to drop out of the race. I probably wouldn't have taken it, but I would have thought about it. Michelle would have taken it."