Ball For The Mall!
Last night, we headed to the Trust for the National Mall's Ball for the Mall!

We snapped Trust chairman Chip Akridge with president and CEO Catherine Townsend, honoree David Rubenstein and the evening's emcee, CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer. Rubenstein was honored with this year's History, Heroes and Hope Award for his generous contributions to the trust, and American history in general, over the years.

The evening celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Trust for the National Mall, with a return to the evening gala instead of the luncheons of previous years. Here, restaurateur and chef Fabio Trabocchi with the Reagan Building's Embassy Liaison, Jan Du Plain, patron Annie Totah, restaurateur Maria Trabocchi and patron Leo Sahakian.

The Ball was held in a lavishly decorated tent directly on the National Mall between the Washington Monument and Capitol. Here Westbury Partners chairman and CEO Joseph Fogg and his wife, Leslie Fogg, bookend women's committee vice chair and patron Sally Akridge with the National Mall and Memorial Parks superintendent Gay E. Vietzke.

Prior to the dinner program, guests enjoyed a cocktail reception alongside scale models of monuments from the National Mall. Here Bloomberg BNA CEO Greg McCaffery and his wife, Julie McCaffery, surround Jane Castanias and her husband, Jones Day's Greg Castanias.

Following the cocktail reception, guests headed into the main tent, which was exquisitely decorated for the evening. Here Mark and Margot Bisnow with Lee Kaufman and legendary architect Shalom Baranes.

During the dinner, guests enjoyed a spring salad with shrimp and roasted lamb alongside a delicious pairing of wine. Here, Cushman & Wakefield's Bill Collins joins Trust committee member Marcy Cohen and Chip Akridge.

Following the awards presentations and remarks, guests toasted the Trust and the next 10 years. Here, Gensler's Gigi Murphy and MRP Realty's Bob Murphy with Ashley Finger and Dochter & Alexander's Dave Dochter.

The evening wrapped up with an extensive dessert reception and dancing to a live band. Here congressional staffers Rebecca Shaw and Steven Pfrang join the American Bankers Association's Larry Seyfried and the Bockorny Group's Blair Larkins.

Here Natalie Sigmund with her husband, First Washington Realty's Wright Sigmund.

Brown Automotive Group's Karen and William Schuiling with the Trust's Kate Gordon.