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Bartender Bracket Challenge!

Last night we headed to Hawthorne's rooftop on U Street for the Bud Light Bartender Bracket Challenge.


Eight bartenders from around DC faced off in a March Madness bracket competition to create the best Bud Light cocktail. We snapped the evening's sponsors, Anheuser-Busch's Rashida Still and Rachel Tyroler


Each cocktail was inspired by the four NCAA regions and their respective schools. Here, four bartenders: Hawthorne's Hailey Miller, Chinese Disco's Dana Perim, STK's Heidi Bratton, and Echostage's Tammy Colella


Bartenders from Big Chief in Ivy City, Evan Rosenthal and Tom Latterell, show off their delicious cocktail. 


GW's Arianna Firpo and Clara Hong join Guest of a Guest's Lacey Swift


Hawthorne provided a wide selection of appetizers; we loved the sliders. Here, Rent The Runway stylist Sam Lowery, dancer Josh Jones, MoKi Media's Devin Hoffman, and videographer Tyler Lynch