Biking 200 Miles for Charity!
Congrats to these 10 cyclists, who rode 100 miles Saturday, the full length of Skyline Drive to Waynesboro, VA, then woke up the next morning and Rode 100 miles back covering over 18,000 vertical feet of uphill. All for a good cause: Together they raised $50k for Hopecam, which connects kids in hospitals for cancer treatment to their friends through technology. Here, Centro's Sonny Small, HK Law's Dave Whitestone, Mill Creek's Peter Melmed, Capitol Seniors Housing's Scott Stewart, Chesapeake Real Estate Group's Ed Gosselin, Vail Technologies' Andrew Schaaf, event organizer (along with Leigh Ann Schultz) Milestone Communications' Len Forkas, Accenture's Oswaldo Reyes-Chica, Elm Street Development's David Flanagan, and (missing) Spokes Etc Bicycles owner Jim Strang. Bravo to all!