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The Inaugural Heartland Ball!

Last night we went to The Inaugural Heartland Ball at the Marriott Marquis!


We snapped Terry T. Campo, the President of the Illinois State Society of Washington, DC, with U.S. Rep. Cheri Bustos, D-IL. 


The ball was presented by the Illinois State Society in partnership with the Missouri, Ohio and Wisconsin State Societies, and celebrated the contribution of the Heartland to American democracy. This quadrennial event is nonpartisan and is held no matter which political party wins. Here, Dodie McCracken with former Sen. Mark Kirk, R-IL.


The event brought together national and international civic and business leaders from both sides on the aisle. The tradition goes back to President Lincoln’s Inauguration in 1861. Here, Abe Lincoln impersonator George Buss with newly elected Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-IL.


Guests enjoyed a VIP reception and dinner followed by the ball, which had a theme of A Tribute to the Sights, Sounds and Cuisine of Illinois. Here, Rep. Randy Hultgren, R-IL, with his wife, Christy Hultgren.