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Health and Mobility in Post-Pandemic Community Development

National | Air Date: October 22 | 1:30 PM EDT

Speakers and Panels

Anita Jenkins

Anita Jenkins

CEO, Howard University Hospital
Walter Jones

Walter Jones

SVP of Campus Transformation, MetroHealth System
Kathryn Wylde

Kathryn Wylde

President & CEO, Partnership for New York City
Nathaniel Ford

Nathaniel Ford

CEO, Jacksonville Transportation Authority
Kevin B. Mahoney

Kevin B. Mahoney

CEO, University of Pennsylvania Health System
Christian Bormann

Christian Bormann

East Region Health Director, HDR


  1. How are you prioritizing health in community planning and development?
  2. Explain the relationship between health and transportation mobility. How does that impact development?
  3. How can we make public spaces safer for the public?
  4. How are you rethinking your approach when it comes to planning and providing access to mobility and healthcare?


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