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Expanding Market: South Florida Data Centers

South Florida | Air Date: April 22 | 1:00 PM EDT

Speakers and Panels

Developing South Florida: How Strategy and a Latin American and Caribbean Gateway Are Driving Returns

Bob DeSantis

Bob DeSantis

CEO, 365 Data Centers
John Regan

John Regan

Carter Funds, ACCI Fund CIO
Michael Sevret

Michael Sevret

President, South Reach Networks

Innovation in Efficiency: Cloud Migration Operation and Sustainability Shaping South Beach

Jeff Burges

Jeff Burges

President & Founder, DataSite
Vinay Nagpal

Vinay Nagpal

President | Executive Director & Founding Member, InterGlobix | IEIC

Why This Matters

Panel 1 - Developing South Florida: How Strategy and A Latin American and Caribbean Getaway Are Driving Returns

  • How is critical infrastructure impacting investment in the South Florida region?
  • What does the increase in hyper-scale development mean for data center investment long term?
  • How has the growth in Latin America impacted the Florida region? Are deals being done due to the high level of connectivity?
  • What market incentives does South Florida have for data centers? How much of an influence does the de-regulation of power have?
  • How are end users driving regional demand? How has this impacted cloud providers?


Panel 2 - Innovation In Efficiency: Cloud Migration Operation and Sustainability Shaping South Beach

  • How has network and connectivity demand in South Florida impacted capacity demands from migrating companies to the South Florida region?
  • How does further investment in digital infrastructure impact operator strategies for cooling and efficiency?
  • What role does sustainability play in the future of South Florida expansions? How are facilities in the region adjusting for efficiency?


How You'll Do More Business: Learn how data center deals can be done in the South Florida market. Find investment opportunities due to changes in end-user preferences, which trends are leading to consistent growth for expansion, and which development opportunities are driving returns.  


Who You'll Meet: Directors of Strategy, developers, CEOs, VP of construction and development, investors, GC's, architects, lenders, engineers, director of operations, providers, end-users, and owners.


Why You Should Attend: To learn about leading trends scaling the South Florida region, how providers are investing with returns in mind, and network with other leaders in the region scaling the data center market.  

What You Get: Access to two panels of live content, panel replays on-demand, and live chat with Q&A. 



Time Activity
1:00 PM
1:45 PM
Panel 1: Developing South Florida: How Strategy and The Caribbean Are Driving Returns
1:45 PM
2:30 PM
Panel 2: Innovation in Efficiency: Cloud Migration Operation and Sustainability Shaping South Beach


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